OUR LITTLE NOODLES: The Stever Family Adoption

Welcome to our adoption journey. We are so blessed with our five daughters. Now we embark on the worldwide journey of a lifetime - adopting a special needs child. Please join us for this adventure!

Friday, February 5, 2010


This is not an inspirational post. You will find no profound messages today. I really must rant so that it clears my system and I can move forward. Why do people ask why? "Why do you want to adopt? You have 5 healthy children." Really? Is that how many it is? "Why do you want to adopt from another country? We have need here!" But you are not adopting from here either now, are you? "Why a special needs child? What does that mean anyway?" To all this I just answer back - WHY NOT? Call me crazy (I am some days) but I am not counting the days until my children grow up and move away. I actually LIKE my kids and I LOVE being with them and taking care of them.

Plus...isn't it about time we DO something? We have been living our safe little lives with our beautiful daughters trying to save money and get to a certain point in life so that we can .....blah blah blah! Can you even begin to put a price tag on a child's life? I for one cannot. And I will not turn a deaf ear to God any longer when He whispers " Feed My children, give My children a home, clothe My children."

What am I living for really? I want to give glory to our Father. We are all God's children. I want to love these children just as our Father loves us. I think the comments are going to come more frequently now because more and more people are becoming aware of our intentions. It is not just "talk" now. It is action. We are asking for help. Many people do not feel comfortable with this concept at all. It makes us look inside and take stock of ourselves.

I challenge my fellow man to MAKE A CHANGE! Do something drastic for the life of a child! Take the plunge! Stand up and stand out! So, to those of you who did not already get it:

God willing, we are adopting a special needs child from the Ukraine. We are proud and honored and totally unworthy! But we are following God's plan for our family and we are trusting in Him to provide the rest!


ashleypmo said...

Amen, sistah! Why? Because if by some Twilight-Zone-esque twist of fate, somehow MY children ended up abandoned in a Ukrainian orphanage, I would hope someone would be willing to trade a little of their comfort to save them.

NDMom said...

Well said, Kelly! Thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone for a little one...you will be blessed more than you ever know....

Josette said...

I envy your crazy love faith and know God is going to bless your family for your obedience. I too love, love, love being with my kids and don't want the time to end when they are all home with me. Tonight Jordan, Jessie and I were shopping at the mall together, eating Chick Fil A and having girl talk. It occurred to me that in less than a year Jordan will be driving and how the evening (where she needed me to take her somewhere that ended us up at the mall, etc) could have been different if she were driving. I enjoy her so much.

I'm sure it is getting old, but hope it isn't getting to you too much. Just wait, later, people will be all befuddled when you have a special needs kid and you're all happy about it...God is good that way.