OUR LITTLE NOODLES: The Stever Family Adoption

Welcome to our adoption journey. We are so blessed with our five daughters. Now we embark on the worldwide journey of a lifetime - adopting a special needs child. Please join us for this adventure!

Friday, January 22, 2010

If it's not building, it's breaking.

Daily devotional:
In order to move where God wants you to go, you'll need to serve an eviction notice to all of your haters trying to bring you down. In this spiritual journey, you need to avoid anyone and/or anything that's contrary to what God has for you. Unless you serve up an eviction notice to all that which is trying to bring you down, you'll always face drama in your life. Once you've served up the eviction notice, the next thing to do is open the door and shout 'see ya, don't want to be ya.' Financial worry needs an eviction. Emotional baggage needs an eviction. Loneliness, depression, anger, and greed need to be evicted. Allow God to step in and order your steps. You won't regret it.

I really needed to hear this. What a rough week! Lots of stress and worries that have been weighing down my husband and I. Praise God that we have been able to work through them and refocus and what is important. We have a beautiful, blessed family. I had to re-evaluate my status. Am I willing to learn and grown from mistakes during this adoption process? Am I willing to listen to my lifelong partner in my marriage when he voices concerns? Am I willing to hand over all of my weakness and sin to God?

Pray for our family as we struggle to continue on what has become the most difficult journey of our lives. May it also be the most meaningful.


Josette said...

When I look back and think about spiritual markers in my life..big lessons...they are all during difficult times. Those things I learned about myself, God, and our relationship are never forgotten (whereas for most things my memory is awful!) Hoping that in this tough time God shows you new things that will be of value to you always. Think of you all the time, and have been praying for you, having you especially on my mind the last couple days :)

NDMom said...

Kelli! Praying for you...our adoption journey was full of ups and downs too. At one point, I wanted to quit. My husband said that the only time we would quit would be when God shut the door tight. So, I trudged onward and upward. Thankfully, we kept on and were blessed beyond measure with our little Bella. Be encouraged, dear sister!