OUR LITTLE NOODLES: The Stever Family Adoption

Welcome to our adoption journey. We are so blessed with our five daughters. Now we embark on the worldwide journey of a lifetime - adopting a special needs child. Please join us for this adventure!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Step Into the Winners Circle

This was in my daily affirmation and I had to share it with all of you:

When people around you tell you something's impossible because of your lack of expertise or experience, they have no understanding of divine intervention. Laugh at them because you can use their hateration as motivation for your elevation. It's about believing that God is able to use you inspite of your flaws. From family members, to friends and coworkers, and even to people who claim to be children of God, you'll have people trying to defeat you. But you must always rise above the negativity and shout 'I'm a winner today!' As long as you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you'll never be defeated.

I am so grateful that this fellow Christian shared these inspirational words. Today, I will begin praying for us to be winners! Winners in God's Circle!

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